Sunday, May 27, 2007

Using nature medicine

Still talking about nature medicine. See this experience ......

The Reason We Should All Use Natural and Organic Things

The Earth Needs Us To, as Does Our Health

wrote by mama4kids

I have turned "green". My family was against many changes that I have made to our household but now they are welcoming those changes with open arms. It took a while but it has been so worth it. We use chemical free items now, such as, cosmetics, body wash, soap, dishwasher soap, laundry detergent, diapers, wipes for the babies, food and drinks, to just name a few. It certainly is a bit more expensive and we are not well off so we pick and choose the most important things to change.

Diapers are a big thing. Many people do not even realize that the commercialized diaper companies use chlorine in their diapers to turn them white. Do you realize what chlorine does to a baby's health? Many diaper rashes are solely caused by the horrid chemicals that are in diapers. Cloth was not an option for me as I had three in diapers for a while and now still have two in diapers. I use Seventh Generation diapers. They are chemical free. The diapers themselves are brown, since there is no chlorine in them to turn them to a "desirable" white color. They work just as well, or better, than the big name brands.

Another change we have made was to organic milk. The hormones that are pumped into the regular milk was just not a healthy choice. It has been proven that the hormones that are found in milk and meat cause children to go into early puberty. Some children start puberty so early, like around eight years old. That is crazy!! An eight year old has no idea what her menstrual cycle is because at eight years old, most kids cannot even grasp that whole situation. We have also changed to no hormone added meats. Certain fruits and veggies are more important to be organic than others. That is where our picking and choosing really comes into play.

We don't allow anyone to walk on our carpets with their outside shoes on since you have no idea if you are bringing in harmful pesticides or other contaminates. Does anyone realize what can be present on the bottom of a shoe that has just walked around on the ground, or even a floor, in say, a mall?

We do whatever we can do to help our health as well as the future of our planet, which is in a certain decline. Too much wasting is going on in America as well. People just don't take the time to recycle. Something so easy to do and yet so many just pass on it. They figure that by the time the Earth really takes a huge turn for the worse, that they will be long gone. That may not be so true though. The weather shifting the way it has for most of the US is proof that Mother Nature is a little ticked off at us. Maybe it is time that everyone adopted a more "green" attitude. Any little bit helps and it doesn't have to be costly or hard to do. Please let's all do our part to help out!!!


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